--------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Variables which may be specified in control file --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- : name of the control file time units can be in hour(s), day(s), week(s), month(s), year(s) --------------------------------------------------------------------- control var default description --------------------------------------------------------------------- +Debug 0 (1 : dump tios vars every timestep) +Output_dir "output" put output in this directory +Base_file "output/" output data/indx file base name +Save_file "output/.save" save file name +Restart_file "output/.save" restart file name ------------------ Netcdf Data Files: ------------------ +Tau_file "wind_data" surface windstress basename (.x,.y) (dyne/cm^2) (or +Wind_file) +Temp_file "temp_data" 3d potential temp (degree_C) +Salt_file "salt_data" 3d salinity (PSU) +Psi_file "psi_data" barotropic stream function (m^3/s) +SST_file "sst_data" sst (degree_C) +SSS_file "sss_data" sss (PSU) +Cloud_file "cld_data" cloud fraction (0-1) (used only for longwave calculation) +Solar_file "slr_data" net surface solar (w/m^2) +Q_flux_file "aslr_data" q-flux correction (w/m^2) +Precip_file "prp_data" precipitation (mm/day) +MxlTcl_file "mltc_data" mixed layer depth for old sigma coordinate code (m) +Uwnd_file "uwnd_data" AML zonal wind component (m/s) +Vwnd_file "vwnd_data" AML meridional wind component (m/s) +Wndspd_file "wndspd_data" AML windspeed (m/s) "NONE" no windspeed needed - use Uwnd,Vwnd +Airhum_file "ahum_data" AML air humidity (kg/kg) +Airtem_file "atem_data" AML air temperature (K) +Bath_file "bath_data" bathymetry (m) +Sponge_file "sponge_data" strength of sponge (0-1) ------------------ Ascii Data Files: ------------------ +River_file "river_data" river data (m^3/s) ?? +Map_file 0 0 - read ocean-land mask from +Grid_mask "map_data" file name of ocean-land mask data ------------------------------ Some Commonly used Parameters: ------------------------------ +Restart 0 0:from scratch 1:restart an interrupted run (restart run) 2:run +Run_time more (continuation run) 3:restart w/ new tios (branch run) 4: 3, but time will be set by +Starting_date -4: 4, but tracers are reinitialized +Ncycles 4 Lorenz cycle number - time stepping scheme +Time_step 1 hour 'little' time step in Lorenz cycle +Run_time 365 days +Save_step 5 days save a restart file this often, unless means are being computed, in which case, save on the mean calculation time scale +Starting_date 1 1 2000 month day year of start date ------------------------------------ Some other Parameters: ------------------------------------ +Time_fac 1 acceleration factor (why would we want to? See, e.g., ...) +Time_fac_baro Time_fac same for barotropic equation +Time_trace_fac Time_fac same for tracer equations +Time_trace_zmin 10000 depth of no acceleration +Time_trace_zmax 0 depth of full acceleration if > zmin (linear profile from zmin to zmax) +Energy_step 1 day frequency with which to compute ocean kinetic and potential energy +Time_back 1 run the model backwards in time (why would we want to? Ask Richard S.) +BC_type 2 1- no slip boundary condition 2- free slip boundary condition, no BC_coef 3- 2 + no slip on east and west sidewalls 4- 2 + no slip on north and south sidewalls +BC_coef 30 days warning: no slip is not consistent with our formulation of the barotropic equations, so BC_coef adds a frictional term to the barotropic forcing +Baro_depsink +Bath_min - 1 depth to 'sink' small islands in barotropic solve +Baro_depmin +Bath_min cut off value to determine which points to 'sink' +Baro_rayl 0 extra Rayleigh friction for barotropic equation +Baro_nnonz 5 amount of fill to allow in ILU decomp +Baro_niter 100 max number of ILU iterations +Baro_iflag [1 3 1 0 2 ] various integer parameters affecting ILU +Baro_aflag [2 1e-04 1e+06 1e-12 -1000 ] various real parameters affecting ILU +Island_relax 0 ramp up of line-integral-derived barotropic island transport (e.g., for easing in full ACC) +Density 1 1- standard treatment of temp,salt 0- temperature, salinity remain constant 2- for Mixed Layer only run - update temperature, scaling forcing to MLD only if +Density = 2: +MLD_file 'mld_data' mixed layer depth file (m) ------------------ Domain Parameters ------------------ +NX 10 number of grid cells in x (zonal) direction +NY 10 number of grid cells in y (meridional) +NZ no default number of layers in the vertical +Nsigma 0 number of sigma layers at the top +South 0 latitude (degrees) of southern boundary +North +NY-1 latitude (degrees) of northern boundary +West 0 longitude(degrees) of western boundary +East +NX-1 latitude (degrees) of western boundary +Grid_type 2 0 - f-plane 1 - beta-plane 2 - spherical anything else - f-plane +Periodic 0 0 - no, domain is not periodic in x 1 - yes, domain is periodic in x +X_stretch_pnts [] length array of longitudes at centers of x-stretch regions +X_alpha [] length array of stretching strength +X_beta [] length array of stretching width scale +Y_stretch_type 1 1 - alpha,beta stretching in y 2 - cosine stretching in latitude +Y_stretch_pnts [] as in X, if Y_stretch_type=1 +Y_alpha [] +Y_beta [] +Y_stretch_fac 1 strength of cos stretch, if Y_stretch_type=2 +Pole_shift 0 0 - north pole stays at north pole 1 - north pole is moved +Pole_alpha first rotation angle, in degrees +Pole_beta second rotation angle, in degrees +Pole_gamma third rotation angle, in degrees ------------------ Domain Parameters: ------------------ +Discretization 2 order of spatial discretization - 2 or 4 +Box_type 1 1 - cells have four A-grid values at corners 2 - cells have a single A-grid value at center (i.e., there are 1/4,1/2,3/4 size cells) note: A-grid values are always assumed to be specified AT boundaries +Box_type=1 +Box_type=2 ////////////// ////////////// /*-----*-----* /*--|--*--|--* /| | | /| | | /| | | /|--|-----|--- /| | | /| | | /*-----*-----* /* | * | * /| | | /| | | /| | | /|--|-----|--- /| | | /| | | /*-----*-----* /*--|--* | * ///////| | ///////| | /| | /|--|-- /| | /| | /*-----* /*--|-- //////// //////// +Bottom_draglaw 2 1- linear drag law 2- quadratic drag law +Bottom_friction 0.001 Bottom friction coefficient +Sidewall_friction +Bottom_friction Sidewall friction coefficient +Bath_min 100 minimum ocean depth +Baro_solv 1 0- PSI=0. 1- full calculation of barotropic stream function 2- barotropic stream function forced only by wind stress +Baro_err 0 0- don't dump extra info from barotropic solver >=1 island transports >=2 island transports w/ iteration nums >=3 LU factorization info 3- masks before and after 'sinking' 4- indices of boundary points and map of iox values 5- island and line integral info 11-LU factorization matrices: aa,iro,ico +Baro_errfile .bar file to which to print extra info +Channel 0 0- no periodic channel in barotropic 1- periodic channel, in which case: +Channel_lat (south+north)/2 latitude(degrees) of Channel +Channel_transport 0.0 nzero- specify channel transport (m^3/s) +Channel_transport_type 0 0- set to Channel_transport 1- ramp in Channel_transport over time +Channel_transport_freq 1 day ramping time scale 1- specify channel transport (m^3/s) +Antarctica 0 +Antarctica_lat +Antarctica_transport +Other_island 0 +New_island [] [n (ityp(i) alon(i) alat(i),i=1,n)] where n = number of islands ityp(i) = how to determine transport alon(i) = longitude of center of island alat(i) = latitude of center of island for each island: +Island_poly1 [lon1 lat1 lon2 lat2 ....] clockwise polygon with sides on longitude or latitude lines (degrees) +Island_poly2 [lon1 lat1 lon2 lat2 ....] etc. +Island_tran1 0. transport between 1st island and continent (m^3/s) +Island_tran2 0. etc. +Sink_region [] [lon_min lon_max lat_min lat_max depth] only a single region (e.g., Indonesian throughflow) is allowed +Salinity 1 (1-tracer; 2-linear; 3-dens12; 4-dens17;5-UNESCO) +Mixing 0 mixing type (obsolete) +Mix_KPP 0 0- off 1- on +Mix_Chen 0 0- off 1- on +Mix_MLD 1 0- off 1- Richardson # dependent mixing 2- like 1, but momentum is not mixed 3- mixing for tank experiment +Mix_CAW 4 0- off 1- convective adjustment 2- convective adjustment with wind mixing 3- like 2, but using partial vertical cell 4- like 2, but using fraction horiz cell (does not mix momentum) +Mix_CAW_farea 0.25 fractional area to be used with Mix_CAW=4 +Mix_step 4 frequency of vertical mixing (# of small steps) +Solar_penrad 0 0- no solar penetration 1- solar penetration +Clim_H 0 +Clim_psi 0 +Bound_psi 0 +Clim_htop 0 +Clim_TS 0 0 - don't read 3 dimensional T,S data 1 - read time independent T,S data 2 - read time dependent T,S data, interpolating on the z grid 3 - read time dependent T,S data, not interpolating (layer data, e.g.) +Clim_fix undef if defined, use a spatial invariant field to initialize and restore (T,S) +Clim_nz nz+1 from this depth and below, the Clim_fix applies +Clim_relax 0 +Sponge_width 5 +Relax_width 5 +Sponge_time 30 days +Sponge_time_v 10000 days +Sponge_time_tr 0 days +Sponge_time_trb 0 days +Sponge_time_psi 30 days +Clim_nlat 90 +Clim_slat -90 +Tank_type 0 +Tracers 0 +Ice 0 +Ice_dynamics 0 +Ice_evp 0 +Bio_type 0 +Rivers 0 +River_coef 1 +River_dmin 5 +Salt_fixed 36 +Bio_err 0 +Bio_step 0.0416667 days +Bio_print 1 day +Bio_step_propag 1 day +Trac_init [] +Trac_init_value [] +Tr_name [] +Tr_clim_file [] +Tr_adv_type 1 +Iso_diffusion 0 +Diffiso_scl 1 +Diffiso_vel 0 +Vert_Top 1 +Vert_Bot 99 +Vert_Bump 0 +Vert_Fix 1 +Vert_Sys 99 +BC_bot_temp 1 +Shap_vel_order 4 +Shap_vel_type 3 +Shap_vel_step 8 +Shap_vel_damp 1 +Shap_vel_dampv 1 +Shap_scl_order 4 +Shap_scl_type 0 +Shap_scl_step 8 +Shap_scl_damp 1 +Shap_ice_order 4 +Shap_ice_type 0 +Shap_ice_step 4 +Shap_ice_damp 1 +Wind_forc 5 +Wind_cos 1 +Wind_tauxy [0 0 ] +Temp_init 1 +Temp_coef 1 +Salt_init 0 +Temp_froude 0.01 +Heat_forc 1 +EP_forc 1 +EP_err 0 +Gas_exchange 0 +Rho_CP 4.12e+06 +Rlx_time_sst 1 month +Rlx_time_sss 1 month +PBL_coup 0 +PBL_qflux 0 +PBL_oml undef if true, SLAB ocean - turns off all ocean advection +PBL_oml_nz 1 number of active layers in slab ocean +PBL_oml_ekman undef if true(defined), then the upper layer temp is advected by ekman currents and there is ekman upwelling. +PBL_oml_gamma 0.75 ratio of T1 and T2 to use as upwelling temperature +PBL_oml_lat 10 latitude of gaussian for making Raleigh friction (degree_N) +PBL_advec 1 +PBL_step 5 days +Qflux_diag undef if true, diagnostic run to determine heat flux to match SST - output in output/.qflux +Qflux_diag_nz 1 number of layers in which to diagnose flux to match input climatology +Qflux_OCN_file "NONE" if specified, then the upper layer(s) of the ocean are 'qfluxed' with this file +Qflux_nz 1 number of layers in which to USE fluxes +Qflux_AML_file "NONE" if specified, then the AML is 'qfluxed' with data from this file +EP_diag undef if true, diagnostic run to determine E-P flux to match SSS - output in output/.eflux +PBL_Qflux_diag undef if true, diagnostic run to determine top of atmosphere fluxes to PBL +Diffiso_map 0 +Dif_file "dif_data" +Diffiso_alpha 1 +Shap_dens_order 4 +Shap_dens_type -1 +Shap_dens_step 1 +Shap_dens_damp 1 +Diffiso_order 1 +Diffiso_step 1 +Kmap_step 30 days +Diffiso_eps 0 +Diffiso_coef 1000 +Diffiso_coef_mo 1000 +Diffiso_dz_mo 10000 +Diffiso_slmax 0.005 +Diffiso_slred 1 +Diffiso_sigzmin -1e-04 +Diffiso_delta_rho -10 +Diffiso_time 0 days +Diffiso_cadv 1000 +Diffiso_facz_cnst 1 +Diffiso_facz [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] +Diffiso_psi_relax 1 +Div_damp_coef 0 +Div_steering 0 +TVD_vert 1 +TVD_horz 1 +Upwind_cnst_z 1.25 +Upwind_cnst_ts 1.25 +Upwind_cnst_tr 1.25 +Upwind_cnst_xy 1.25 +Upwind_cnst_xy_ts 1.25 +Upwind_cnst_xy_tr 1.25 +Bathymetry 0 +Bath_grad 2 +Bath_grad_fac 1 +Bath_type 0 +Bath_fac 0.2 +Z_profile [12 36 68 109 153.6 221.4 300 389.4 489.6 600 800 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 ] +H_profile [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] +Z_bot 6000 +Z_profile [12 36 68 109 153.6 221.4 300 389.4 489.6 600 800 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 ] +Meddy_xdist 6 +Meddy_ydist 3 +Temp_burger 0 +T_profile [24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 ] +Temp_atm 30 +S_profile [35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 ] +Temp_bot 1 +Salt_bot 35 +Salt_atm 35.4 +Pdens_bot 27 +Sdens_bot 27 +Vert_kbot 0 +Bint 1e-04 +Cint 1e-05 +Grid_label "Data: dg" +Grid_mask 1 +Hflx_prt 0 +m0_WndStir 1e-04 +z0_WndStir 50 +NAO_type 0 +Pat_type 0 +NAO_number 1 +NAO_time 365 days +Anomaly_type 0 +Pat_name ["NAO" ] +Stress_anom_file [] +Wndspd_anom_file [] +Solar_anom_file [] +Uwnd_anom_file [] +Vwnd_anom_file [] +Airhum_anom_file [] +Airtem_anom_file [] +Precip_anom_file [] +Anomaly_file "anom_data" +NAO_err 0