OCP - Publication Databases

Feel free to download the OCP division publication database for your own use. In particular, you can load the library into Endnote, select the subset by author, year, etc., and then save the list to your Word document - already formatted in the journal format of your choice!

If you are Linux based and/or unable to use Endnote and/or in a great hurry, it may be possible to get Virginia to produce the required list.

If you are already an Endnote user, and have some new or corrected references to include in the division list, just send them to virginia@ldeo in endnote library form (.enl).

NOTE: Endnote X7 is available to Lamonters -> FREE!! <- for Win PCs and Macs - get info and download here..

Refereed Publication Database
Maintained by: Virginia and Naomi, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University