US-USSR Ice Station Weddell
January-June, 1992

The Ice Station Weddell (ISW) program was designed to study the physics of the ocean, seaice and atmosphere in the western Weddell Gyre of Antarctica. Researchers, their equipment and living accomodations were placed on an ice floe in the southwestern Weddell. As the floe drifted to the north, measurements were taken at the ice camp, using instruments placed near the camp, on snowmobiles, and from helicopters which flew up to 100 miles from the camp. Additional measurements were carried out on board Russian and US icebreakers during the drift of the ice station.
ISW involved researchers, technicians, teachers, students and support personnel from many institutions in the US and former Soviet Union. The US component was funded by the Office of Polar Programs of the National Science Foundation. Logistics support was provided by Antarctic Support Associates.

Designed by: D. Jarvis Belinne
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University