CORC-ARCHES Southern Ocean Modern Observations


Clivar Exchanges, Vol. 6 (pdf):
Robertson, et al., "Long-term Warming of Weddell Sea Warm Deep Water"
Visbeck, et al., "The CORC/ARCHES Observing System for Weddell Sea Deep and Bottom Water Variability"

Robertson, R., M. Visbeck, A. L. Gordon and E. Fahrbach, 2002: Long-term temperature trends in the deep waters of the Weddell Sea. Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography, 49(21): 4791-4806. (abstract)

Gordon, A. L., M. Visbeck and B. Huber, 2001: Export of Weddell Sea Deep and Bottom Water. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 106(C5): 9005-9017. (abstract)