Dye Tracer Experiment Figures
- Figure 1
- Cross-shelf (along a PRIMER transect 30° from the cross-shelf
axis) temperature section across the shelfbreak front south
of Martha's Vineyard two weeks before the pilot cruise, courtesy
of Bob Pickart.
- Figure 2
- Cruise track during the injection and detection of the dye patch.
Three surveys are identified as TR3, TR4, and TR5. Bottom bathymetry
is indicated. Contours of dye concentration in units of 10-11
are 5, 12, and 40 for TR3 and 2.5 and 5 for TR5. Note the rapid onshore
displacement of the dye patch and hence the frontal boundary from the 100m
to 80m isobath between TR3 and TR4.
- Figure 3a
- Representative cross-shelf section of dye concentration across
the dye patch during the three surveys showing BBL dye concentration
as a function of temperature.
- Figure 3b
- Representative cross-shelf section of dye concentration across
the dye patch during the three surveys showing BBL dye concentration
as a function of distance.
- Figure 4
- A schematic diagram of the evolution of the dye patch in the BBL at the foot of the shelfbreak
front. The cross-shelf temperature profile is a mean derived from all sections taken during the cruise and is
used to infer cross-shelf position relative to the front from temperature measurements. The position of the
dye peak (dots) and approximate one standard deviation width of the patch for each survey are shown
along with the time elapsed from the dye injection. The vertical gradient above the BBL at x=0 is from the
dye injection measurements. Height of the BBL (dashed line) is defined by the height of the maximum
vertical temperature gradient. Arrows qualitatively represent the flow although only the onshore flow is
actually measured by the dye patch displacement. Isotherms are hand drawn to connect the mean BBL
temperature with the vertical stratification at x=0 and to represent the cross-shelf variation in the vertical
gradient. Between TR3 and TR4 the entire frontal boundary was displaced 12-15 km onshore.
Designed by:
D. Jarvis Belinne
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University