iAnZone | ASPeCt
SCOR Affiliated Program
| International |
5-th Coordination Meeting
| Coordination Meeting
| |
December 1-5, 1997
Oracle, Arizona
While iAnZone and ASPeCt have some organizational
issues unique to their programs, we aim to coordinate the two
programs as much as possible (at least as much as the ocean and
sea ice are coupled). This Draft Agenda is an attempt, though
still less than perfect, to do so.
Monday 1 December [ASPeCt Program]
- S.F. Ackley--Review of the ASPeCt Science Plan, formation
of the Science Steering Group, and contributions to SCAR's Global
Change in Antarctica Program
- J. Priddle--Review of other GLOCHANT Activities in Polar Marine
Science, primarily SO-JGOFS, SO GloBec and CZ-EASIZ. Potential
Collaborations of these with ASPeCt.
- V. Savtchenko--WCRP Antarctic Drifting Buoy and Ice Thickness
Program: (E. Fahrbach and V.Lytle--Results from ULS moorings on
ice thickness)
2. DISCUSSION of Current Milestones in the ASPeCt Science Plan
- A. Worby--Development of observational protocols and an observer's
- Compilation of existing data--Reports by:
- A.Worby--Australian data sources from E. Antarctica
V.Smirnov/A. Klepikov(or A. Worby)--Russian Ice Chart translation
M. Jeffries--Ross, Amundsen and Bellingshausen Sea cruises
S.F. Ackley, H. Eicken, P. Wadhams, R. Massom--Weddell Sea Ice
- Establish an inventory of potential contributors and forthcoming
cruises--Reports by all SSG members of national programs and possible
sea ice observation opportunities, including logistics cruises
and process studies:
- Zambianchi--Italian Program in Terra Nova Bay
Jenkins, J.L. Tison--Ice Shelf-Ocean Interactions
J.L. Tison--Ice Edge programs in the Belgian National program
M. Jeffries-- U.S. Ross Sea ice studies
Lytle--Australian sea ice studies
H.Eicken-- German Weddell Sea ice studies
S. Ushio--Sea ice and polynya studies in E. Antarctica
J. Launianen--Antarctic sea ice studies in the Finnarp and Scandinavian
S.F. Ackley--U.S. Western Ant. Peninsula and Weddell Sea studies
Others (as available)
- Planning for US/Australia Coastal Polynya Study
- (Brief summary, Full report later during joint session with
4. Discuss implementation and location of an ice climatology
data base--All Participants;
5. Plans for training Workshop for ice observers for future
- S.F. Ackley and A. Worby
6. Ships and Programs of Opportunity
- Report on upcoming APIS collaborations--S.F. Ackley
- Collaborations with iAnZone (to be discussed throughout the
- Discussion of potential use of national program logistics
and tourist cruises--All Participants
- Establish Protocol for Fast Ice Observations from Stations--All
Tuesday, 2 December: Sea-ice and
modeling science (joint ASPeCt and iAnZone session)
[30 minutes for each lecture including question/discussion]
- J. Sarmiento--Impacts on Southern Ocean Carbon Cycle, sea
ice and thermohaline circulation from the GFDL coupled model
- Schlosser "Tracer based ventilation Research"
- D. Martinson/David Rind--Results from the GISS coupled model;
southern ocean sea ice and thermohaline circulation
- Zhang "Antarctic sea ice in a high resolution coupled
ice-ocean model"
- Howard Cattle "Hadley Center coupled model results for
the Southern Ocean sea ice and thermohaline circulation"
- Bill Hibler--The impact of high frequency effects (tides and
inertial oscillations) on sea ice dynamics in coupled models.
- D. Holland--Interactions of ice sheets and ocean circulation
via floating ice shelves, modeling formulation and results.
- M. Drinkwater "Antarctic sea-ice dynamics from satellite
microwave data"
- J. Comiso "Variability & trends of SST and sea ice
in southern Ocean"
- L. Padman "Weddell Tides"
- Wakatsuchi "Bottom Water off Adelie Land"
- Launianen "Sea-air coupling in models"
- Heywood "Antarctic coastal Current
Reception (Dinner)
Wednesday, 3 December: (iAnZone)
1- (15 minutes) Introductions; objective of the meeting and
Discussion and Approval of Terms of Reference for iAnZone
2- Review of Science results and achievements since our last
meeting (Barcelona, Spain, March 1996):
- (1.5 hour) AnzFlux (AnZone experiment #2) lead by Miles McPhee
(others: Guest)
- (1.5 hours)Dovetail (AnZone experiment #3) Fahrbach, Garcia,
Muench, Gordon; Visbeck.
- (20 minutes each) Other National and Cooperative Projects-
these talks should be primarily science results dealing with the
- Russian- Klepikov
- Finland- Launianen
- German- Fahrbach
- Indonesia- Syamsudin
- Japan- Ushio, Wakatsuchi
- China- Dong
- UK- Heywood
- USA-
- Italy- Zambianchi
- Other
Thursday, 4 December: iAnZone
Review of international planning:
- (30 minutes) Review of CLIVAR Southern Ocean Implementation
Plan [Gordon and Martinson];
- (30 minutes) Results of Cancun meeting [D.Martinson];
- (30 minutes) WOCE Southern Ocean Workshop [Fahrbach];
- (30 minutes) ACSYS and other WCRP programs [Savtchenko]
- Other
- National and Cooperative Research & Monitoring Projects:
- Weddell Quick Response Plans [Gordon];
- CORC [Visbeck]
- other
- (4 hours) Develop plans for iAnZone #4 Experiment(s) [Report
of ad hoc committee; group discussion];
Friday: 5 December: iAnZone and
- Coordination with ASPeCt, WCRP and other Programs;
- iAnZone Steering Committee members: consideration of terms
of appointment and identification of specific gaps and next meeting