iAnZone ASPeCt
SCOR Affiliated Program International
5-th Coordination Meeting Coordination Meeting

December 1-5, 1997

Oracle, Arizona

The 5th iAnZone meeting (the first as a SCOR affiliated program) will be held at Columbia University's Conference Center at Biosphere 2, Oracle, Arizona, December 3-5, 1997. SCAR's ASPeCt program will meet beginning 1 December at the same site. The consecutive scheduling of the two meetings emphasizes the naturally strong relationship between the two organizations, and it is hoped will foster continued close coordination and collaboration among the member individuals and institutions. While the following two preliminary meeting agendas are listed separately, efforts will continue between the coordinators to schedule joint sessions wherever appropriate. Attendees are encouraged to participate in both meetings. We expect that these sessions will be fully developed as the list of attendees and their interests are completed. The revised more integrated agenda with specific persons linked to agenda items will be distributed later.


The objectives of the iAnZone meetings are to inform others of research and field programs for the purpose of 'value-added' coordination; and to formulate the basis for future activities that require international effort, as well as link its activities to other programs, such as those of WCRP.

The agenda structure is simple:

1- Review of achievements since our last meeting (Barcelona, Spain, March 1996):

AnzFlux (AnZone experiment #2)

Dovetail (AnZone experiment #3)

Other National and Cooperative Projects.

2- Develop plans for AnZone 4 Experiment(s):

4- Develop Plans for Weddell Quick Response:

5- Coordination with ASPECT, WCRP and other Programs:


The agenda for the ASPeCt meeting will include:

1. Overview ASPeCt plan

2. Review ongoing activities contributing to ASPeCt

3. Development of an antarctic seaice climatology - requirements, recent ice thickness data, historical data rescue, status, data gaps, integration with satellite and ULS programs, data synthesis.

4. Develop plans for "ship of opportunity" ice observation program -protocols, training, participants, data archive, etc.

5. Review plans for proposed process studies; develop and coordinate international contributions

6. Coordination with iAnZone, WCRP, EASIZ, etc

For iAnZoneFor ASPeCt,
Arnold L. Gordon Stephen F. Ackley
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Cold Regions Research
of Columbia University and Engineering Laboratory