Dear iAnZone Community,
Since already presented at different meetings,
you might know that
scientists at AWI are planning to revive the "legendary"
ice floe drift
experiment, ISW-1 by drifting with RV POLARSTERN through the
western Weddell Sea from austral spring to summer of 2003/04.
of the proposed project you can find in the document ISPOL-1.doc
which is posted on the iAnZone website.
Since we, Dieckmann/Haas/Hellmer/Schröder,
as the coordinators
intend to get together an interdisciplinary project with the focus
air-ice-ocean interaction by using the full capacity of POLARSTERN
we also ask you whether you have interest to join us on this exciting
Attached is the "Guideline for Application
for Shiptime on RV POLAR-
STERN" (ISPOLGL.doc) which we ask
you fill out and return by mid-
September if intersted in ISPOL-1 according to the information
additionally provided below. At this point in time, your application
only be treated as "Letter of Intend" which helps us
to put together a
comprehensive drift experiment, and to finally convince AWI authorities
to support this project; a final decision will be made at a panel
by the end of this year. We also should mention that due to the
space onboard and possible overlaps between sub-projects, it will
be left
to the coordinators decision which project will participate.
Please complete in ISPOLGL.doc the following points individually:
- Principal scientist
- Subtitle of the PI's research proposal
- Description of research proposal
* exposition of individual project has to be elaborated
in a
convincing form considering
own preparatory works as well as publications
* involvement of project in other national/international
- Evaluation (in case of external funding):
* the project has been/is to be evaluated by (funding agency)
- Special logistic requirements
* add individual projects requirements
- Shiptime required:
* add individually:
* indicate in hours period of time on station and/or
for profiling
based on an elaborated working schedule
* operations on land resp. on ice
- Major equipment to be used
- Use of Polarstern equipment and devices/facilities required
from AWI
- Working space and lots required
- Number of berths required
- Collaboration with following groups
- Funding
- Any additional comments
We hope to hear from you soon so we can discuss
further details at the
iAnZone meeting on/in Ischia.
The ISPOL-1 Coordinators and contact persons,
G. Dieckmann (
C. Haas (
H. Hellmer (
M. Schröder (
posted 3 July 2001