Basic Core Data Form : This is the form where basic core data can be entered. It would probably be the most useful for entering data while on a voyage. It contains the same data as the in the core_basic and values_measured tables. These tables are more useful for entering lists of core parameters after the voyage. A simple way to a lot of data is directly from an excel spreadsheet. Data which is entered in either the table or the form will subsequently appear in both locations.
Similarly, there are tables and forms for entering data on specific voyages or bases, contact_people or organizations.
A description of each of the fields follows.
Basic Core Data Table
ID This is a number assigned by the program. It is unique for each core.
Core_name required. User input name. It is text up to 50 characters long
Date required enter in dd-mmm-yy where dd is a 2 digit number for the day, mmm is the three letter abbreviation for the month and yy is two digit year.
Time of Day optional in hours:minutes
Latitude required Enter in decimal degrees, south is negative. Must be between –45 and –85 (sea ice in southern hemisphere only)
Longitude required decimal degrees, between 0 and 360
Organization Name required name of group that collected the core. There is a pull down list of options, but you can still enter anything you like.
Voyage or Base required text up to 50 characters. Name of voyage should be LLmmMMyy. Where LL is two letter ship abbreviation, mm is month ship entered the ice, MM is month ship left ice, and yy is the year. If the voyage lasted over the change of year (i.e. Jan 1), use the earlier year. For the Aurora Australis voyage that entered the ice in December, 1992 and left the ice in February, 1993 the voyage would be AA120192. This naming scheme agrees with the ice observation scheme. For a station, enter the station name. More details of the voyage can be entered in the ‘Voyage or Base’ form.
Ice type optional pack or fast ice.
Ice thickness optional number, enter ice thickness in m. Must be > 0.
Snow thickness optional enter snow thickness above the core in m
Freeboard optional the distance the ice surface above sea level, in m.
Core Diameter optional Diameter of core in cm
Meteorological Parameters optional measured at the time the core was collected
Air temperature optional in degrees C
Wind speed optional in m/s
Wind Direction optional in degrees T (must be between 0 and 360)
Humidity optional in percent (between 0 and 100)
Pressure optional in hPa, must be between 600 and 1200.
Contact Last Name optional text up to 50 characters. Details of this person can be entered in a separate form.
Comments optional memo. Any relevant information pertaining to the core site, the sampling technique or any other activities that took place when the core was sampled.
Values_measured table
Core_id automatically entered by the program, same number as shown above.
Top Depth required in cm. Note that core depths are positive, with 0 at the top of the ice.
Bottom Depth optional in cm.
Crystal Structure optional must be granular, congelation, platelet, mixed, snow ice, or other.
Salinity optional in psu, must be >= 0
Temperature optional refers to the temperature at the depth listed as the top depth. Must be between +10 and –50.
Del O18 optional
Chlorophyll optional
Comments optional any notes which pertain specifically to that section of core. E.g. any more detailed structural comments (brine channels, bubbles, etc.), or
Contact_people table
Last Name required
First Name optional
Title optional
Organization optional
Phone optional
Extension optional
Fax optional
Email optional
Notes optional
Voyage or base Table
Voyage or base required, Name of voyage should be LLmmMMyy. Where LL is two letter ship abbreviation, mm is month ship entered the ice, MM is month ship left ice, and yy is the year. If the voyage lasted over the change of year (i.e. Jan 1), use the earlier year. For the Aurora Australis voyage that entered the ice in December, 1992 and left the ice in February, 1993 the voyage would be AA120192. This naming scheme agrees with the ice observation scheme. For cores collected from stations enter the name of the station.
Location optional, general area of work (e.g. Weddell Sea, East Antarctica)
Start date optional
End date optional
Organization optional
Notes optional
Organization required
Address optional
City optional
State optional
Post Code optional
Country optional
Notes optional