Organizations and Agencies:
- The Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research
- Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
- Australian Antarctic
- National Science
Foundation- Office of Polar Programs
- National Ice Center
- National Snow and Ice Data Center
- Natural
Environment Research Council (NERC)
Scientific Programs:
- World Climate Research Programme [ WCRP
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme [IGBP]
Climate Variability and Predictability [CLIVAR
International Programme for Antarctic Buoys [IPAB
Joint Global Ocean Flux Study [JGFOS]
The Global Ocean Observing System [ GOOS
Global Climate Observing System GCOS
- Arctic Climate System Study [ACSYS]
- Antarctic Seaice Thickness Project [ ANSITP
- Climate and Cryosphere [CLIC]
- Global Oceans Ecosystems Dynamics:
- [US