The characteristics and likely causes of the Medieval megadroughts in North America
Severe though the six multiyear droughts since the mid nineteenth century have been in terms of environmental and social impacts, as climate events they were dwarfed by a series of megadroughts that struck the West between about 900AD and 1400AD. These droughts were sufficiently long in duration that it actually makes more sense to describe the Medieval climate of the West as not so much afflicted by a sequence of droughts but as simply more arid than in subsequent centuries or now.
The visual evidence of medieval megadroughts in the landscape today
The medieval droughts were long before the beginning of instrumental
weather records and their character and severity must be reconstructed
from the signature they left within the environment. One of the most
dramatic of these is frequently seen by travelers in the mountains states
of the West who probably rarely understand what they are seeing. Dead
tree stumps, seasonally flooded by water, are often seen in river valley
bottoms in the Sierra Nevada and they also populate the underwater margins
of famous lakes such as Mono Lake. In the early 1990s Scott Stine, a
University of California geographer, began using carbon dating to
determine when these trees were living and found that they pretty much all
grouped in the medieval period. See Scott Stine's article at
The trees were living in river valleys
and around lakes that, because the climate was drier, never flooded. When
the medieval megadrought period ended, waters rose and the trees died.
Elsewhere in the high plains of Nebraska and elsewhere the medieval
megadroughts can still be seen as massive sand dunes that are now grassed
over and stable.
In a remarkable paper ('Late Quaternary bison population changes on the southern Plains', Plains Anthropologist, v 19, 180-196, 1974), Tom Dillehay successfully sketched
the medieval climatological history of the southern Great Plains based on
little more than the numbers of bison bones found in archaeological sites.
At this time few Indians were dependent on bison hunting - that was yet to
come when European expanded into the moister areas to the east and
displaced Indians from areas where they both farmed and hunted. In
Dillehay's study it is striking how few were the bison remains a
millennium ago compared to the periods before and after. He also drew
what now appears the correct conclusion - the climate was drier and bison
populations shrank as grasslands became desert.
The medieval megadroughts may also have left their signature on the human
environment of the West. The great cliff cities in the four corners
region of the West such as at Chaco Canyon and Mesa Verde were all
abandoned towards the end of the drought. These societies were based on
irrigated agriculture. Although there remains much debate about why these
highly organized Indian societies collapsed archaeologists are revisiting
the idea that decades of dry conditions were part of the reason
(see Jones et al. 'Environmental Imperatives Reconsidered:
Demographic Crises in Western North America during the Medieval Climate
Anomaly, Current Anthropogy, April 1999,
). By the
time wetter conditions returned the Spaniards had also arrived and
probably prevented Indians from reestablishing irrigation-based complex
urban societies.
Tree ring records of the spatial extent, severity and duration of droughts
The best record of the droughts come from the width of annual growth rings
of long lived trees. Correlation of modern day ring widths with weather
records has demonstrated that the ring width is strongly related to summer
values of the so-called Palmer Drought Severity Index or PDSI. The PDSI
was developed as a simple measure of the moisture content of soil in the
root zone. It makes sense that the tree ring width would correlate with
this during summer since that is the growth season. Analysis of ring
widths from living trees that have lived in North America for as long as
two millennia, together with plenty of complex statistics, allows
preparation of maps of summer PDSI for each year from 2BC to now. This
data set was developed at the Tree Ring Laboratory at Lamont-Doherty Earth
Observatory and is called the North American Drought Atlas (NADA). For
the early centuries the coverage is limited to areas of the West with very
long lived trees but by the beginning of the medieval droughts the
coverage is pretty much all of the current United States.
In 2004 Ed Cook, of the LDEO Tree Ring Lab, published the first results
from the NADA. One figure, reproduced here (Figure 1), of the percentage
of the American West at any time effected by severe drought made a clear
case for elevated aridity during the medieval period. For several
hundred years up until the 15th Century well over half the area routinely
experienced severe drought at any time. The centuries to follow - broadly
coincident with the Little Ice Age period of a colder climate in Europe -
was wetter. There is a hint that we have been returning to a more arid
climate since the beginning of the Nineteenth Century.
Figure 1
Top, the percent of the area of the American West experiencing moderate to severe drought at any one time as reconstructed from tree ring records over the last millennium. The time series has been filtered to emphasize variations on timescales of many decades to centuries. The lower panel shows a blowup for the last century emphasizing that the recent drought was not historically exceptional. The figure is taken from Cook et al. (2004, Science). During Medieval times serious drought affected large areas of the West. Following that there was a long period of more moderate drought (corresponding to the Little Ice Age) and, since then there appears to have been a return to a more drought stricken climate.
Tree ring records of modern droughts
In the last year a collaboration between the Tree Ring Lab and the Climate
Modeling and Diagnostics Group at LDEO has allowed a closer look at the
tree ring records of drought. Figure 2 shows the summer PDSI
reconstructed from the tree ring records for the modern day droughts as
well as time series of the PDSI averaged over a region defined as the
American West (25N to 50N and 125W to 95W) for the years covered by the
droughts. By comparison to instrumental records, it is clear that the
tree ring growths faithfully record the droughts. Each drought effected
much of North America from the Appalachians to the Pacific coast and from
the northern Mexico and the Gulf Coast into Canada. Each was also
associated with weak tendencies to wetter conditions in the Pacific
Northwest, maritime eastern Canada and southern Mexico. In the year by
year evolution the multiyear droughts were made up of years of severe
drought interrupted by more modest years and the occasional wet years.
None appear monolithic in having dry conditions year after year after year
although the Civil War drought comes closest to this.
Figure 2
Tree ring records of modern droughts. The spatial distribution
of tree ring summer Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) is at left and
the PDSI averaged over the West is at right.
Spatial patterns of tree ring records of drought and related ocean conditions
Figure 3 shows the results of an analysis, by Rotated Empirical Orthogonal
Functions (REOF), of the spatial patterns of the tree ring records of
droughts during the modern period. The first pattern, which explains 32%
of the total variance, well describes the observed droughts in covering
most of the United States with weak opposite-signed regions in the
northwest and northeast. The second and third patterns would better
describe droughts more localized in the east and west of the continent.
Figure 3
Summer drought patterns from tree rings for the period 1000-2003
AD as estimated from Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Analysis. The fraction
of the total variance explained by each REOF is indicated. According to
Preisendorfer's Rule N (bottom right) these three patterns are physically
The patterns of sea surface temperature (SST) and sea level pressure (SLP)
associated with these patterns can be reconstructed via linear regression
onto the time series of the relevant REOF. This is shown in Figure 4.
The first, dominant mode, is correlated with a La Niña-like SST and SLP
pattern: cold in the tropical Pacific Ocean with warm anomalies in the
mid-latitude Pacific, a cold Indian Ocean and a seesaw of SLP between the
eastern and western hemispheres. The other two patterns do not seem to be
linked into coherent and known patterns of ocean variability. The second
pattern could, however, be related to the North Atlantic Oscillation.
Figure 4
The SST (left) and SLP (right) patterns associated with the
first three REOF patterns of drought evaluated on the 1856-2003 period.
Pattern 1 if a typical decadal La-Niña-like pattern. Pattern 2 could be
the summer North Atlantic Oscillation. The third drought pattern does not
seem to be related to any clear mode of SST variation. These results
support our modeling work of the 1856 to current period in that tropical
Pacific influence dominates but that there may be a secondary Atlantic
influence too.
These results support our modeling work of the 1856 to current period in
that tropical Pacific influence dominates but that there may be a
secondary Atlantic influence too
Tree ring records of medieval droughts
Figure 5 shows the spatial patterns and histories for a collection of
medieval megadroughts. (Note that the time series in this figure extends
over a much longer period of time than for the modern drought figure
above.) Compared to the figures for the modern droughts what is
remarkable is how similar the spatial pattern of the medieval droughts is
to those with which we are familiar from experience and the instrumental
record. The severity of drought in any year was also similar to that of
a modern day drought. It is the year to year persistence of the medieval
droughts that is different. Years as dry as 1936 or 1939 during the Dust
Bowl drought frequently occurred year after year, and often with no break,
(e.g. between 1140 and 1165) during medieval times.
Figure 5
Tree ring records of some medieval droughts. Spatial
distribution is at left and the time history at right.
The year to year variability of drier and wetter conditions still occurred
during the medieval period, albeit about a drier mean state. This is
shown in Figure 6. Since ENSO currently influences such interannual
variability this suggests that ENSO was operative then as now.
Figure 6
Histograms of annual summer tree ring derived PDSI for (top)
the medieval period (or medieval climate anomaly (MCA)), (middle) the
Little Ice Age and (bottom) the modern, post 1856, period.
These results suggest three obvious conclusions:
The similarity of the spatial patterns suggests that the physical
processes that caused the modern droughts also caused the medieval
The global atmosphere ocean conditions that currently cause modern
droughts for a few years at a time were the prevailing ocean climate
during the medieval period.
Despite the shift in the mean tropical ocean climate ENSO variability
continued as now but oscillating about a colder mean state.
The global pattern of medieval hydroclimate
If a cooler tropical Pacific Ocean was the cause of the medieval
megadroughts then, analogous to the historical period, we would also
expect the climate to have been drier in southern South America, wetter in
northern South America and Central America, wetter in the Sahel region of
Africa but drier in coastal east Africa and drier in parts of the
Mediterranean and southern Europe. There should also be evidence of
colder ocean temperatures in the tropical Pacific. Figure 7 shows a
compilation of proxy evidence (from trees, lake records, Nile flow
records, ocean sediments etc.) for hydroclimate conditions during the
medieval period. Broadly speaking, the evidence of wet and dry conditions
fits into the global pattern of hydroclimate change established for the
historical period using satellite data, instrumental records and climate
models. One of the more intriguing records comes from records of Nile
flow. This tends to be low during El Niño events as rainfall is reduced
over the headwaters of the White Nile. Therefore La Niña conditions tend
to support high Nile flow. In a 1993 paper analyzing the Nile records
Quinn shows that low flows were only half as common during the medieval
period as they were during the subsequent Little Ice Age!
Figure 7
Proxy evidence for medieval hydroclimate. Brown indicates a
proxy indicator of dry conditions and green an indicator of wet
conditions. The pattern resembles that of the global hydroclimate
associated with modern day North American droughts.
For the tropical Pacific Ocean itself there is only one published record
of reconstructed ocean temperatures - based on the geochemistry of corals
found on the island of Palmyra and analyzed by Kim Cobb, see web page. She interprets
her data to indicate a colder tropical Pacific ocean during the periods of
the medieval epoch for which she has data. Consequently, despite
considerable limitations of the proxy evidence, to date it does support
the idea that, during medieval times, the global hydroclimate tended
towards what we would now call a La Niña-like state.
A first attempt to use the coral data to try to model the
megadroughts can be found here.
The following research papers can be downloaded:
Burgman, R., R. Seager, A. C. Clement and C. Herweijer, 2010: Role of tropical Pacific SSTs in global medieval hydroclimate:
A modeling study. Geophys. Res. Lett., 37(L06705): doi:10.1029/2009GL042239.
Cook, E.R., R. Seager, R.R. Heim, R.S. Vose, C. Herweijer, C. Woodhouse, 2009.
Megadroughts in North America: Placing IPCC Projections of Hydroclimatic Change in a
Long-Term Paleoclimate Context. Journal of Quaternary Science, DOI: 10.1002/jqs.1303.
Cook, E.R., R. Seager, M.A. Cane and D.W. Stahle, 2007: North American Drought: Reconstructions, Causes, and Consequences. Earth Science Reviews, 81, 93-134. PDF
Emile-Geay, J., M.A. Cane, R. Seager, A. Kaplan and P. Almasi, 2007: El Niño as a mediator of the solar influence on climate. Paleoceanography, 22, PA3210, doi:10.1029/2006PA001204.PDF
Seager, R., R. Burgman, Y. Kushnir, A. Clement, E. Cook, N. Naik and J. Velez, 2007: Tropical Pacific forcing of North American Medieval megadroughts: Testing the concept with an atmosphere model forced by coral-reconstructed SSTs, Journal of Climate, 21(23): 6175-6190.
- Seager, R. and E.R. Cook, 2007: Medieval megadroughts in the Four Corners region: Characterization and causes. Presentation before: The Society for American Archaeology.PDF
Herweijer, C., R. Seager and E.R. Cook, 2006: North American Droughts of the mid-to-late Nineteenth Century: a history, simulation and implication for Mediaeval drought. The Holocene, 16, 159-171. PDF
Herweijer, C., R. Seager, E.R. Cook and J. Emile-Geay, 2007: North American Droughts of the last Millennium from a Gridded Network of Tree-ring Data. Journal of Climate, 20, 1353-1376. PDF
Seager, R., Graham N., Herweijer, C., Gordon, A.L., Kushnir, Y. and E. Cook, 20
07: Blueprints for Medieval hydroclimate. Quat. Sci. Rev.,
Cook, E.R., C.A. Woodhouse, C.M. Eakin, D.M. Meko and D.W. Stahle, 2004: Long-term aridity changes in the western United States. Science. 306(5698): 1015-1018.PDF
For further reading:
