We are planning to hold this year's biannual meeting of iAnZone, a Commission of SCOR, on the island of Ischia in the Gulf of Naples on 15-17 October, following the 2nd International Conference on the Oceanography of the Ross Sea. iAnZone will meet at the same venue where the Ross Sea Conference is being held - the hotel Continental Terme. Giancarlo Spezie has very kindly reserved a block of rooms for us for Monday 15, Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 October (this last day until 2:00 pm only). Room rates will be as follows:
Twin/Double room with half board per day(2
pax): itl. 320.000
Single room with half board per day: itl. 190.000
(Note that "half board" means "breakfast and lunch".)
The meeting facilities are provided free of charge, and Giancarlo has offered to provide the coffee breaks. I will be sending instructions for reserving hotel rooms and other logistical information after I've received this information myself. I have been assured that Ischia is a very pleasant place indeed to visit!
This iAnZone meeting will follow much the same pattern as those in the past, starting with presentations of national programs and proceeding to individual science presentations and discussion of new results. We especially hope to hear more about the Italian research in the Ross Sea, and some new results from the DOVETAIL program will be presented. I also expect that we will hear something of the progress in planning the ANSLOPE program for study of shelf-slope processes in the Ross Sea, as well as in longer term planning toward a central Weddell Sea convection experiment that will focus on seawater equation of state issues. I'm sure others of you will want to contribute, as well. In the past, these discussions have proven very valuable both in planning new programs and in coordinating ongoing research. We have lengthened the meeting somewhat in response to past concerns that insufficient time was allowed for discussion.
A CALL FOR TOPICS: If you would like to present either plans for a new program or results from ongoing work, I need to hear from you in order that I can assemble a reasonable agenda for this meeting. This includes both "national" programs, and others that may involve either individual or international groups of researchers. The iAnZone group, and its biannual meetings, are run by and exist for the collective benefit of we Antarctic ocean researchers. Your active participation will contribute to making this a useful and enjoyable meeting!
... AND FOR MEMBERS: The iAnZone Steering Committee needs to rotate some new members into the group, and some out. We need some nominations for new members, so, if you are interested or know somebody else who might be, please let me know. We will also be electing a new Chair or co-Chairs from the present membership, as Hartmut Hellmer and myself will be stepping down as co-Chairs. Your thoughts and suggestions are welcome.
... AND CONCERNING THE ROSS SEA CONFERENCE: The 2nd International Conference on the Oceanography of the Ross Sea will take place on 8-13 October at the hotel Continental Terme on the island of Ischia, in the Gulf of Naples. Information can be found at http://antartide.uninav.it (or, in particular, http://antartide.uninav.it/Pages/RossSea.pdf).
I hope to see many of you there. In the meantime, please give me your thoughts on the foregoing. Do be aware, though, that I will be away from my mail from the end of this week until 1 July, so no need to rush in with ideas(!)
Robin Muench
900 North Stuart Street, #604
Arlington, VA 22203
phone +1 (703) 527-5390; cell +1 (206) 295-5834
email rdmuenc@attglobal.net
website http://www.esr.org