We have a block of around 20 rooms set aside for your lodging during the iAnZone meeting.  However, you need to reserve your room directly with the hotel.  Information and directions can be found on the hotel's website at http://www.ischia.it/contiterme/termeuk.htm, and you will see that you can use either email or fax to make your reservation.  Be sure to let them know that you are attending the iAnZone meeting, locally sponsored by the CLIMA group and associated with the Ross Sea Conference.  This will ensure that you get the conference rates!  I would recommend that you take care of this as soon as you are certain of your attendance.

Finally, the hotel is in Ischia, which is situated on an island.  It can be reached either by ferry or (better) hydrofoil.  The winter timetable will be in effect as of 1 October, and we will provide the new schedule in this space as soon as it is made available.

Robin Muench
