Atlantic Sector Climate Variability over the Last Millennium and the Near-Term Future Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University Lamont Hall Agenda 9am Welcome. Richard Seager (LDEO) 9:10 Atlantic sector climate variability on decadal to millennial timescales. Yochanan Kushnir (LDEO) 9:30 Atlantic Multidecadal Variability: internal variability vs. response to external forcing. Rong Zhang (GFDL) 10:00 What can we tell about NAO and Atlantic Ocean variability over the past millennium from proxy records? Brendan Buckley (LDEO) 10:20 Coffee break 10:45 Hydroclimate impacts of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability in CMIP5 models. Mingfang Ting (LDEO) 11:05 Climate mode variability in GISS ModelE last millennium simulations Allegra LeGrande (GISS) 11:35 Mechanisms of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation variability as simulated in climate models. Tom Delworth (GFDL) Movie 12:05 Discussion 12:30 Lunch 1:30 Response of the North Atlantic jet and its variability to increased greenhouse gases in the CMIP5 models. Elizabeth Barnes (LDEO, NOAA Postdoctoral Fellow) 1:50 Predicting Atlantic decadal variability in the GFDL initialized coupled model experiments. Rym Msadek (GFDL) 2:10 Potential Solar Impacts on Atlantic variability. Gavin Schmidt (GISS) 2:30 Analysis of 20th century Atlantic hurricane potential Intensity and tropical cyclone activity in the CMIP5 models. Suzana Camargo (LDEO) 2:50 Coffee break 3:10 What controls the location of the ITCZ? John Marshall (MIT) 3:30 A re-interpretation of the influence of the Atlantic Ocean on the climate of the Sahel. Alessandra Giannini (IRI) 3:50 The 1960s drought and long term trend to a wetter climate in New York City’s Catskills Mountains Watershed. Richard Seager (LDEO) 4:10 Discussion 5pm Reception This meeting was supported by both the NOAA funded GloDecH and the Abrupt Change in a Warming World (ACWW) programs. |